About Us
The Labour Department is one of the major arms of the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations. It exists to carry out functions subject to ILO Convention No. 150 about the Labour Administration system, ratified by Ghana in 1986. The Convention defines Labour Administration as ‘’public administration activities in the field of national labour policy’’. Accordingly, Section 1 of the Labour Act, 2003 (Act 651) provides for the establishment and functions of the National Employment Service. Section 12 of the Act also mandates the Department to conduct labour inspections on work places. The Labour Department provides Labour Market Information from administrative and survey-based sources. It has a web-based portal specifically designed to suit various users consisting of Individuals and Institutions from the public sector as well as the private sector. The Department plays an important role in the provision of administrative data pertaining to the Labour Market. It also collects and disseminates information accurately on Job seekers, Employers, Job vacancies, Skills in demand, Labour Migration, Labour/Establishment Inspection, Industrial Relations and Workmen’s Compensation claims on a timely and regular basis.
The Labour Department’s vision is to become a one-stop Labour Market Information provider with improved methods and information technology, the most reliable Social Partner in matching demand and supply of Labour and ensuring Labour Protection for workers.
The Labour Department exists to enforce labour laws and regulations in Ghana and provide for the benefit of workers and employers employment-related services such as job-matching, job counselling, and mediation and generate reliable labour market information for employment policy and national development planning.
Promoting the enforcement of Labour Laws and Regulations and Maintaining Industrial Harmony.
The Labour Department vigorously performs the following core functions:
- Industrial Relations
- Register Trade Unions, Employers’ Associations
- Issue Collective Bargaining Certificates
- Resolve Industrial related disputes
- Labour Inspection
- National Employment Service
- Register Job Seekers
- Place registered Job applicants in employment
- Canvass for Jobs
- Register Private Employment Agencies
- Monitor the operations of Private Employment Agencies
- Vocational Guidance and Counseling
- International Labour Affairs
- Investigate, determine and facilitate payment of workmen’s compensation claims.
- Child Labour Monitoring
Core Values
The values of the Labour Department which inform the action of staff are as follows:
- Legality
- Service Orientation
- Reliability
- Consistency
- Honesty
- Transparency and Confidentiality